The Leadership in Public Science Cluster invites you to a special lunchtime seminar on Wednesday, April 19, 12-1p in 216 Poe Hall.
Creating Meaning from Information in Science and Storytelling
In this public talk, Liz Neeley, executive director of the Story Collider, will explore research on storytelling and narrative persuasion, highlight the value of personal stories in science, and consider how something like “narrative competency” might be conceptualized, taught and deployed in science communication efforts.
This seminar will be broadly interesting to students and scientists interested in connecting their research to public audiences.
The seminar follows the Story Collider’s first show in NC, taking place Tuesday, April 18, 7p, at the Red Room in Kinston, NC. Storytellers taking the stage include Dean Jeff Braden (Humanities & Social Sciences), Dr. Marcelo Ardon Sayao (Natural Resources) and Dr. Nadia Singh (Sciences).
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